15 Phillimore St,
Fremantle WA 6160
Ph: (08) 9430 4166

Fremantle Precinct Branding

  • West End painted on pavement

  • Precinct brand guidelines

  • Precinct brand guidelines

  • Fremantle Precinct signage

  • West End Fremantle

  • city of fremantle precinct sign mockup

Client – City of Fremantle

In 2008 the City of Fremantle commissioned a Tourism Strategy for Fremantle. The Strategy, completed in mid 2009, identified a number of important opportunities for improving tourism related services and infrastructure including signage.


The City commissioned Tangelo Creative and Kirkgate Consulting to undertake a series of signage improvement projects throughout 2011 and 2012.

Following the City’s purchase of the Fremantle Visitor Centre, Kirkgate Consulting completed an audit and recommendations to improve signage in the Fremantle city centre, especially for directing visitors to the Centre.

Tangelo Creative was then asked to review and recommend improvements to the Visitor Centre’s external signage and also its fit-out and internal signage. The improvements in the Visitor Centre’s appearance, operations and ability to easily provide information to visitors as a result of this work was dramatic.

The next work arising from the Tourism Strategy was carried out by Kirkgate Consulting – assessing all of the tourism related signage in the City of Fremantle area directing visitors to the city centre. Associated with this work, Tangelo Creative developed complementary branding for the five precincts within the Fremantle city centre – Cappuccino Strip; City Central; Fishing Boat Harbour; Victoria Quay and the West End. This work also linked to the installation of realtime signage for parking availability for three major carparks in the city centre at entrances to the city centre.

Kirkgate was then commissioned to audit all of the tourist related pedestrian signage in the Fremantle city centre. This audit included all of the interpretive signs that had been installed over the previous three decades. The audit found numerous damaged, faded and unreadable signs. In relation to several interpretive trails the audit identified locations where signs were missing.

The City now has a comprehensive register of signs and recommendations on future signage requirements to facilitate planning, budgeting and commissioning of signage in the city centre.